Also, my mom and brothers, and friends. So, when we want to have a family get together, its as simple as that. My brother, Shawn, is in the Navy and is being stationed in Japan so while he is underway my sister-in-law and her 3 kids moved up here from San Diego for the next year. We love having them so close and plan to spend a lot more time with them. So, they have twin girls who turned 4 this week and we had a little mini-birthday party for them at my sisters house. It was so fun to get the majority of my mom's grandchildren together, we were only missing 2 out of the 11.
Kellan was asleep for this picture:)
And yes, I said those girls are turning 4 and Kade is as tall as them, its true:)
And kids aren't kids without a picture like this
Also, Uncle Beau makes himself a target for situations like these...
If you remember this time of year last year, we went to a Childrens' Hospital charity event called Color the Skies.
Well, this year we went again and having two kids, I found it very difficult to break out the camera, but I did get a couple shots of Kade and his cousin Brody in the jumphouse:)
And looking at that other post is so so funny because Kade was such a little guy! OH how I love my sweet big boy:)
So, all in all, it was a fun-tatsic weekend with lots of family. We have it pretty good to be that close with all of our loved ones.
So cute! I thought you hubby was one of the kiddos in those pictures! So funny! :)
How fun to have family close by. I have dreams of someday living near family.
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