Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Curly Cue

Due to 3 weeks of croup, bronchitis, fevers, migraines, asthma attacks, breathing treatments, antibiotics and whatnot, there is currently a lack of anything exciting in our lives. SO, I just thought that I should talk about what has been on my mind most recently and confess my love for Kade's hair. He is almost 3 and has had one hair cut and is coming up on another one, but I just cannot force myself to do it. I have always been completely obsessed with it, even when it was just his fuzzies:) So, I thought I would just chronicle his hair growth, whether you care or not, it makes me happy:)

Baby Kade:
Just starting to grow at 14 months(note the one small curl:)

18 months:

Two Years:

Pre-Hair Cut:


And my favorite new pictures of it now:

So, am I crazy? To cut or not to cut? That is the question. I am so scared that the curls will go away!



Anonymous said...

DON'T CUT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's so gorgeous. Wait until it gets to be outright unruly. Wait until you just can't handle it anymore. Until someone calls him a girl. Then cut it.

Unknown said...

Don't cut... omg from 18 months to 2 years he looks totally older :-/