Monday, September 15, 2008

gross cravings

Ok, so around here, we eat pretty healthy, especially since my dad is on a special diet for his diabetes/kidney disease. And with the additional newfound interest in the Deceptively Delicious cookbook, even more so. So why oh why am I daily, craving McDonalds chicken nuggets and french fries??? I know I want the salt, but can't I crave something salty like Pirate's Booty and have it satisfy my craving? No, life just doesn't work that way. And then, I have to bring my son down with me...he LOVES the chicken nuggets and apple dippers there. And, I even let him play in the little gross play area. He went in the little tube things and down the slide a few times and played basketball and once I realized there was a funny smell coming from there, I had to bolt, sad and ashamed. LOL. This is a problem...I just need to stay busy cooking dinner and pureeing my veggies and stay away from Mickey D's. I'll cry if these cravings last all 9 months:)


Andrea said...

I craved burgerking whopper jrs. my whole pregnancy (it HAD to be burgerking), so I understand! I gave in; I knew if I didn't I would go crazy one day and eat 4 or 5, haha.

Stacey said...

At least your cravig something, lol. With Tehya everything from smells to food to anything made me sick..the whole 9 months. I craved ice only.

Anonymous said...

Gross but I know the feeling. Last pregnancy AND this one AND during breastfeeding I crave Taco Smell. Anytime my husband asks me what I feel like eating I give him that look of "YOU know what I want and you better not roll your eyes at me for wanting it!!" Gimme a cheesy gordita crunch with 5 fire sauce packets and I'm happy. GROSSS!! But I want one now.